New Delhi: The Indian Army has proposed allowing ordinary citizens to join its ranks as officers and soldiers for a brief three-year service, called the “Tour of Duty.”
He believes the proposal would be of immense financial benefit to the Army due to the reduced payment and tip payments. If the proposal is approved, it will be voluntary in nature and there will be no dilution in the selection criteria.
The proposal is a shift from the concept of permanent service in the armed forces to a three-year “internship” or temporary experience. “This proposal takes advantage of young people’s feeling of experiencing military life for a temporary duration,” said the draft.
The draft says the defense budget has grown 68 percent in the past five years. While the salary increase for the armed forces has grown by 75 percent, pensions have grown by a whopping 146 percent.
India’s defense pension budget is $ 16 billion, almost double Pakistan’s total defense spending, which is $ 10 billion, ”the draft said.
“The cumulative cost of pre-commission training, pay / allowances, tip, severance package, license fee, and other costs is approximately Rs 5.12 million for an officer if released after 10 years, and 6.83 Rs million if released after 14 years, ”he said.
A similar cost for those released after three years of Tour on Duty (ToD) would be around Rs 85 lakh.
The financial benefit to the Army arising from a soldier employed in ToD for three years against a boss with 17 years of terms of commitment was calculated to be Rs 11.5 million rupees.
“Therefore, saving for just 1,000 jawans could be Rs 11,000 crore, which could then be used for much-needed modernization of the Indian military,” he said.
The draft, however, said that should an officer or soldier become a battle victim, all benefits could be extended to them or their family members.
The PTI news agency quoted major military sources as saying that the Army is also considering inducing paramilitary and central armed police personnel for a short period of up to seven years, after which they would be allowed to return. to their parent organizations.
The “game changer” proposal is being examined by top Army commanders. “If approved, the hiring of 100 officers and 1,000 men will initially be considered as part of the project’s bed test,” said army spokesman Col Aman Anand.
Sources said age and fitness level will be among the key recruitment criteria for the ‘Tour of Duty (ToD) or’ Three Years Short Service ‘scheme. There is a “resurgence of nationalism and patriotism” in the country and the proposal tries to take advantage of the feelings of young people who do not want to join the Army as a profession but want to experience military life for a temporary period, a source said.
Currently, the Army recruits youths under the Short Service Commission for an initial tenure of 10 years, which can be extended up to 14 years.
Under the proposal, the people who will be recruited under the ToD will be eligible to be deployed as fighters in key locations and there will be no restrictions on their roles.
An officer or soldier after completing a year of training and three years of ToD is likely to show visible improvement in self-confidence, teamwork, responsibility, initiative, stress management, innovation and social skills, according to a military officer quoted by PTI.
“Initial surveys tell us that all companies would favor an individual who has been trained by the military and who goes to them at 26/27 years of age rather than graduating from college at 22/23,” he said. .