Uttar Pradesh (UP) will comply with the orders of the National Green Court (NGT) regarding firecrackers on Diwali, the additional chief secretary of state, the home, Awanish Awasthi said on Monday.
“The NGT order is detailed. Air quality is deteriorating and steps must be taken to address the problem,” he said. He also said that “green cookies” would be sold and promoted.
While Meerut has imposed a ban on firecrackers, Lucknow has banned certain categories of firecrackers.
Agra Additional Magistrate Ajay Tiwari confirmed that firecrackers will not be allowed. “Instructions have already been issued to all police stations to crack down on the stockpiling or exploding of firecrackers,” he said.
“We are awaiting orders from the government, but until then a new license for the sale of firecrackers will not be issued. All renovations are also on hold, as is the practice of issuing temporary licenses, ”said Agra District Magistrate Prabhu Nath Singh.
Among the banned firecrackers in Lucknow are the most preferred ‘ladis’ or ‘chatai’ (series of biscuits) and similar high-decibel biscuits. “Only those cookies that comply with the order of the Supreme Court would be allowed to be sold,” said Naveen Arora, Deputy Commissioner of Police (JCP), Law and Order (LO), Lucknow Police Commissioner.
Also, the Lucknow district administration has defined a time slot for Diwali and other festivals, including Gurupurab and Christmas, when firecrackers can go off. “At festivals like Diwali and Gurupurab, fireworks would only be allowed between 8 pm and 10 pm. On Christmas and New Year’s Eve, fireworks can start from 11.55pm and continue until 12.30am, as per the guidelines.
In addition, the district administration has defined “Forbidden Zones” in the city, which include hospitals, nursing homes, educational institutes, courts and zoological gardens.