New Delhi: In a major development, the Forensic Department of the Indian Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), which submitted its report to the CBI in relation to the death of Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput, dismissed the “murder” angle.
The AIIMS forensic panel that was created to assist the CBI in the medical investigation into Sushant’s death has dismissed the murder allegations, according to the sources.
It has been known that the five-member team may have called it a suicide case, rejecting the poisoning and strangulation allegations made by the actor’s family and his lawyer.
This development comes at a time when the late actor’s family, friends and fans around the world are seeking justice for Sushant. Several campaigns are being organized on social media to ensure that he receives justice and the mystery surrounding his death is solved.
Sushant Singh Rajput was found dead at his Bandra residence on June 14, 2020. The case was initially investigated by the Mumbai police, but after a massive public lawsuit, the case went to CBI.
Soon, the Law Enforcement Directorate came on the scene and the investigation began on the money laundering angle involving Sushant’s girlfriend, Rhea Chakraborty, brother Showik and their family.
Another premiere agency, the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) joined the investigation when drug use was revealed through some retrieved WhatsApp chats from Rhea and Sushant’s manager Samuel Miranda.