Twelve properties, including the residence of an additional tax collector from Telangana who rose through the ranks from a tehsildar, were raided by the Anti-Corruption Office, ACB, based on a telephone conversation in which the officer demanded Rs 1.12 crore in cash as a bribe for the Earth. registry.
According to the audio clip, accessed by NDTV, Medak district additional collector Gaddam Nagesh allegedly solicited a bribe at the rate of one lakh of rupees per acre to issue a no-objection certificate for 112 acres of land. .
The 52-year-old man reportedly demanded Rs 1.12 million in cash or goods of equal value. In the recorded conversation, Nagesh can be heard saying that Rs 70 lakhs must be paid in cash.
However, ACB detectives have yet to confiscate cash or papers, and raids by Sangareddy Anti-Corruption Office Deputy Superintendent Suryanarayana are underway.
The raid comes shortly after the sensational seizure of Rs One crore in cash, as bribery money, from Keesara Mandal Revenue Officer Balaraju Nagaraju.
A few days later, the Telangana CBA also confiscated 1.5 kg of gold ornaments, worth Rs 57.6 lakh, from a bank locker in the name of his relative GJ Narender. However, the keys to this locker were recovered from Nagaraju’s home during the raid.
The ACB has been conducting surprise checks across the state.
In the background is the Telangana government’s decision to stop all land registrations statewide until its new Revenue Law takes effect. The bill, which proposes changes to control corruption among tax officials, has been approved by the cabinet and has been presented to the assembly that is in session.