New Delhi: Bollywood actor Asif Basra, who appeared in supporting roles in such films as ‘Jab We Met’ and ‘Once Upon a Time in Mumbaai’, reportedly died by suicide on Thursday. He died at McLeodganj in Dharamshala in Himachal Pradesh, near a cafe on Jogiwara Road. City police have started their investigation into the case and the cause of the suicide has yet to be determined. Asif Basra was 53 years old.
“The film actor Asif Basra was found hanged in a private compound in Dharamshala. The forensic team is on site and the police are investigating the matter,” SSP Kangra Vimukt Ranjan told the ANI news agency.
Movie actor Asif Basra was found hanging in a private compound in Dharamshala. The forensic team is on site and the police are investigating the matter: SSP Kangra Vimukt Ranjan. #Himachal Pradesh (Image credit: Asif Basra website)
– ANI (@ANI) November 12, 2020
Asif Basra has been known to have lived in a rented house in McLeod Ganj for five years. Shared the space with a friend.
Asif Basra was a well-known actor in the industry. Apart from ‘Jab We Met’ and ‘Once Upon a Time in Mumbaai’, he starred in films such as ‘Black Friday’, ‘Kai Po Che’, ‘Krrish 3’, ‘Ek Villain’ among others. Apart from movies, he starred in web shows such as ‘Paatal Lok’ and ‘Hostages’.