“Absolutely absurd”: Rahul Yogi of the observation in the recruitment of workers from india news


The former president of the Congress Rahul Gandhi, on Tuesday described as “absolutely absurd,” the chief minister of Yogi Adityanath comments from other states will have to seek their government’s permission to engage workers from Uttar Pradesh, saying that the people are not your personal property.

“I think that is unfortunate. I think that the people of India and, then, belong to their respective states. The decision on whether somebody is going to work in Uttar Pradesh for the rest of the country is not the prime minister. It is the people of India and the people of Uttar Pradesh,” Gandhi said at a press conference held via video conference.

The interaction with the media at a seminar organised by the Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh (RSS) publication Organizer of Sunday, Adityanath had said other states will need to obtain the permission of his government before hiring workers from Uttar Pradesh.

“If a state wants to labor, the state government has to ensure security and social insurance of the workers. Without our permission will not be able to take our people…by the way they were treated in some states,” he said.

But Gandhi dismissed Adityanath of the comments.

“If a citizen of Uttar Pradesh wants to go and fulfill their dreams, in Maharashtra or in Delhi or in Karnataka or in any other place, he should have the right to do so,” he said.

“It is very unfortunate that the chief minister of Uttar Pradesh, view of India in such a way. These people are not your personal property. They are not the personal property of Uttar Pradesh. These people are Indian citizens and have the right to decide what they want and have the right to live the life they want to live,” Gandhi added.

“Our job is to help them fulfill their dreams. It is not our job to say that you belong to me, you can’t go and work in Maharashtra. It is absolutely an absurd position,” the former Congress, the chief said.

