Covid Toes among children: new symptom of a new coronavirus infection


Dermatologists in Europe and America are discussing a potential new symptom to identify a Covid-19 patient, particularly if the new coronavirus has infected children and young adults. In March, some dermatologists in Italy found inflammation of the toes and toes, and organ discoloration of those with Covid-19.

This condition is very much like frostbite, which is a condition found among people living in severe winters in the polar and subpolar regions. Here the blood vessels in the toes are aggravated and the fingers tend to have severe spasms.

The condition was nicknamed “Covid toes” because dermatologists discovered that it is more prevalent in areas with a high concentration of Covid-19 patients in Italy.

Now, the same “covid toes” condition is reported in areas severely affected by a new coronavirus pandemic in the United States, such as Boston.

Doctors associated with the American Academy of Dermatology now recommend coronavirus testing for children who visit them with “Covid toes.”

In Italy, such children did not show any of the previously known symptoms of Covid-19. The correlation was the subject of heated debate between dermatologists and medical professionals on and off social media. For example, this Twitter thread reflects your concern about this possible atypical symptom of a new coronavirus infection or this.

The new coronavirus infection became a pandemic because thrives in asymptomatic patients from Covid-19. Health agencies around the world have been adamant in dealing with symptomatic Covid-19 patients. But the real challenge has been identifying those Covid-19 patients who show no symptoms. Now, this has forced affected countries to review their death toll.

However, these asymptomatic patients may not be truly asymptomatic. Sudden loss of smell or taste or having a conjunctivitis is now recognized atypical symptoms – atypical because the common symptoms of Covid-19 are still dry cough, fever, sore throat, tiredness and breathing difficulties.

This is largely due to the fact that the new coronavirus remains an unknown enemy to humans. Even the common symptoms of fever, cough, sore throat, and tiredness are very common for a variety of illnesses. The most common of all is fever, which is simply an indication that something is wrong with the body.

It is possible that the symptoms that are currently atypical for Covid-19 could become key indicators of the new coronavirus infection in the coming months and years because, as the World Health Organization warns, this virus will remain among humans for a long time. .

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