150 soldiers in Delhi for Republic Day parade test positive for COVID-19

About 150 Army soldiers who traveled to Delhi to participate in the Republic Day and Army Day parades tested positive for COVID-19, according to an Army source.

“Soldiers who came to participate in various parades were tested before being put into a secure bubble. Some of them tested positive. Almost all are asymptotic, ”said the source. They are among the few thousand soldiers who have been tested.

The soldiers have been quarantined in the Delhi cantonment.

Protocols have been put in place to conduct the parade safely, a second source said.

Thousands of soldiers travel to the national capital each year to participate in the annual parade for Republic Day and Army Day.

Plans to hold the parade on Rajpath on January 26 this year are underway despite the pandemic. India has invited British Prime Minister Boris Johnson as the main guest. The Foreign Office has already clarified that the British Prime Minister will be visiting despite the scare of the new strain of the virus in the United Kingdom.

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