According to the latest rumors, OnePlus plans to launch not two, but three flagship models: OnePlus 9, 9 Pro and 9 Lite or 9E. We still do not know the official name of the latter. In any case, today’s report is about the basic OnePlus 9. A couple of live images confirm the hole-punch camera and reveal a reverse wireless charging feature.
Alleged OnePlus 9 Live Images
As of now, only the OnePlus 8 Pro supports wireless and reverse wireless charging, so we thought the two functionalities would be reserved for the Pro models from then on, especially since the OnePlus 8T didn’t get them either. However, that might not be the case for the OnePlus 9 family.
Further, 91mobiles got information about cable charging and battery. Both take a significant hit – the 65W charger will pump out the 4,500mAh battery, which was previously 4,300mAh in the Vanilla 8.
There is still a lot to discover as OnePlus is preparing three devices for a mid-March launch, but given the intensity and frequency of the leaks lately, we may not have to wait until March to paint a more complete picture.