The Realme X7 Pro launched in China in September started its global rollout last week and is currently available in Thailand and Taiwan. Realme has already confirmed that it will bring the X7 line to India in 2021, and while we don’t have an exact launch date yet, the X7 Pro has appeared on the support page of Realme’s Indian site, suggesting an imminent launch.
X7 Pro Support Page on Realme Indian Site
The X7 Pro has a Dimensity 1000+ chipset at the helm and a 6.55 “AMOLED FullHD + 120Hz display. It features a 32MP selfie camera and has a 64MP quad camera setup on the rear. Under the hood, the X7 Pro has a 65W charged battery.
Realme X7 Pro
The Realme X7, on the other hand, is powered by the Dimensity 800U SoC and is built around a 6.4 “FullHD + AMOLED screen. It shares cameras and charging speed with the Pro model, but ships with a 4,300 mAh battery. .
You can head down this path to see the detailed specifications of Realme X7 and X7 Pro.