Samsung has already started rolling out the Android 11-based One UI 3.0 update on its high-end phones, including the Galaxy S20 series and the Galaxy Note 20 series. Now, the company plans to roll it out on its mid-range smartphones, starting with the Galaxy M31.
The company has announced the One UI 3.0 beta program for the Galaxy M31 in India. Today, it began accepting registrations to enter the Galaxy M31 beta program. The first beta update, with firmware version M315FDDU2ZTLF, brings Android 11 to the smartphone along with the December 2020 security patch. The new update should bring a newer UI design, faster performance, improved security, bug fixes, better stock apps and more optimizations.
If you are a Galaxy M31 user in India, you can join the One UI 3.0 beta program by clicking on the sign up banner in the Samsung Members app. After being accepted into the program, you can verify the update by navigating to Settings » Software update and touching Download and install.
Samsung had mentioned in its update schedule that the Galaxy M31 would receive the update in March 2021, but the stable update may appear considerably earlier. We are not sure if other countries or other Galaxy M series devices will have access to the One UI 3.0 beta program.
Thanks for the tip, Yash!