Hundreds of people attended the recent engagement ceremony for the granddaughter of a Gujarat BJP leader who violates various anti-coronavirus rules imposed by the Center and the state government. The images showed dozens of young men and women dancing to music blaring from massive speakers in an open field, unconcerned about social distancing rules in place to control the spread of the virus. 18 people, including the leader, have been arrested.
“Kantibhai Gamit, a former MLA BJP, his son Jitendra Gamit and 16 other people were arrested for organizing a mega event and thus putting other people’s lives at risk amid the pandemic,” said the inspector general of the mountain range. from Surat-Tapi, S Pandia Rajkumar. quoted by the PTI news agency.
Gamit, a former minister, invited 2,000 people to his granddaughter’s engagement function in the Tapi district, violating a state government rule that does not allow more than 200 people to participate in social events.
The former minister later issued a clarification.
“I apologize because it was a mistake. We had organized Tulsi Vivah (a Hindu festival) and my granddaughter’s engagement ceremony together, but we did not personally invite anyone. We had prepared food for 2,000 people and also organized the dance. Someone made the video. and it went viral, “he was quoted by the ANI news agency.
India reported 36,604 new coronavirus cases on Wednesday, bringing the total number of Covid cases to nearly 95 lakh.
Gujarat has so far reported more than 2,11,000 coronavirus cases, including around 4,000 deaths.
The Gujarat High Court on Wednesday ordered the state government to draw up a directive notifying that people caught without masks will have to do community service at COVID-19 treatment facilities as punishment.