December 2020 holidays: See full list here

December 2020 holidays: We all look forward to the holidays and especially when it is the end of the year time. December is the last month of the year and working professionals are looking forward to Christmas and the New Year as it is the time of year when they want to use all their exceptional sheets. Christmas is the notable public holiday in the month of December of every year. In addition to Christmas, there are many state-specific regional holidays in December 2020. The second Saturday and fourth Saturday are regular bank holidays in December 2020. While the second Saturday falls on December 12, the fourth Saturday falls on December 26. December.

All the public and private sector banks in the country are closed on Sundays, as well as the second and fourth Saturday of each month. In addition to this, banks are also closed on various national and regional holidays. Central government holidays are applicable to all banks, whether public or private. However, regional holidays are decided by the respective state governments.

So, let’s take a look at the list of holidays for the month of December.

List of holidays in December

December 1 Ordinary Elections for the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation 1

December 3 – Kanakadasa Jayanthi / Feast of San Francisco Javier

December 12 – Pa-Togan Nengminza Sangma

December 17 – Losoong / Namsoong

December 18 – Anniversary of the death of U SoSo Tham / Losoong / Namsoong

December 19 – Goa Liberation Day

December 24 – Christmas Festival

25th December, Christmas

December 26- Christmas Festival

December 30 – U Kiang Nangbah

December 31 – New Years Eve

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