Bharti Singh from The Kapil Sharma Show caused a riot of laughter by taking shots at Indian idol the height of Judge Neha Kakakr hours after the Office of Narcotics Control arrested her and her husband Haarsh Limbachiyaa for drug use and possession. Twitterati was quick to link the arrest of Bharti and her husband to the taunts of Arnab Goswami by Kiku Sharda and Krushna Abhishek. On Saturday night, Bharti also took aim at Neha Kakkar when Kapil Sharma said that the Bollywood singer had gone on her honeymoon with her husband Rohanpreet Singh, a former suitor of ex-big boss Contestant Shehnaaz Gill aka Katrina Kaif from Punjab.
Welcoming the guests on Saturday night, Bharti asked, “You have come from Indian idol? Where is that girl? Neha (Kakkar)! “When Vishal Dadlani said that one beauty was enough to The Kapil Sharma Show, Bharti started looking for the singer’s height by pretending to look for Neha inside a banana.
Aditya said, “Her husband caresses her cheeks. She just got married. “Bharti said,” No wonder I saw a video where the room was decorated with flowers. What was this for?
Kapil replied: “She is a newly married woman. He must have gone on a honeymoon. “Bharti said,” What do I know about the honeymoon? I am a woman with too many children. “
On Saturday’s episode, Bharti caused a riot of laughter in the presence of Indian Idol judges Vishal Dadlani and Himesh Reshammiya. Also present was Indian Idol host Aditya Narayan, who had to confront Bharti’s music, who accused him of trying to take host jobs from her and her husband Haarsh Limbachiyaa.
She said: “My husband has found a job presenting a show between 8 pm and 9:30 pm (Best Dancer in India). This did not sit well with this man (Aditya). He’s trying to take even that job away from her. “
When Kapil asked Bharti why he needed to host another show when he was making enough money with The Kapil Sharma Show, the comedian replied, “My life is fine, but I also have to worry about a man named Haarsh, whom I hired as my husband … He will be forced to make a living selling Gujarati savory.” As expected, this left everyone divided.
This was after Bharti greeted Vishal and Himesh but ignored Aditya, prompting Kapil to ask why he was not addressing Indian idol host. Bharti said “
Glancing at Kapil, Bharti said, “Now you better get used to seeing these people (Indian Idol judges). That Malaika Arora is gone. Yes, he’s gone. “Malaika was one of the judges of Best dancer in India, which is now being replaced by Indian idol. Interestingly, Bharti and her husband were the hosts of Best dancer in India.
Neha Kakkar and Rohanpreet Singh got married last month before the couple went to Dubai for their honeymoon. Rohanpreet is a former singing reality show contestant, who had also appeared on another television show as a suitor for ex-big boss participant, Shehnaaz Gill aka Katrina Kaif from Punjab.
Social media users have been quick to link Bharti’s arrest to the taunts of Arnab Goswami on the Salman Khan-produced show for Kiku Sharda and Krushna Abhishek recently.
(Saturday night’s episode of The Kapil Sharma Show was taped before Bharti’s arrest.)