One day after lifting the corruption charge against Bihar’s new education minister, Mewalal Choudhary, the Rashtriya Janata Dal posted on Wednesday an old video of Choudhary singing Jana Gana Mana at what appears to be a school event. In the video, Choudhary can be seen singing the National Anthem, but he forgets the words in between. Bihar’s Education Minister Mevalal Chaudhary, accused of several corruption cases, does not even know the national anthem. Any shame left on you, Nitish Kumar ji? Where have you sunk your conscience? the RJD tweeted.
In 2017, Choudhary was fired from JD (U) for his alleged involvement in a corruption case when he was running the Bihar University of Agriculture. “The corrupt JDU MLA Mewalal has received a ministerial post from Nitish Kumar. This is Nitish Kumar’s double standard, the 60 scam pattern. This man can fall to the lowest level by a chair, ”RJD tweeted Tuesday.
According to sources, on February 20, 2017, an FIR was filed against him at the Sabour Police Station in Bhagalpur by order of the then Governor of Bihar, Ram Nath Kovind, who established an investigation committee after several applicants denounced irregularities in appointments. Choudhary was registered under sections 409 (criminal breach of trust), 420 (forgery), 467 (forgery of valuable security), 468 (forgery for the purpose of cheating), 471 (use as genuine forged document) and 120 ( B) (conspiracy) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC).
Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR) & Election Watch has revealed that not only Choudhary, eight ministers from Nitish Kumar’s new cabinet, including Mewalal, have declared criminal cases, including six with serious criminal cases declared against him.