The 13th edition of the Indian Premier League (IPL 2020) has ended on Tuesday evening and work has already started on IPL 2021. In 4 months from now, the Cricket Control Board of India (BCCI) will have to hold the 14th edition of the IPL. Preparations have already started. The most important decision BCCI must make for IPL 2021 is whether to hold full-fledged player auctions for IPL 2021 or to let teams carry on with existing teams.
The first hint coming from the BCCI camp is that a full auction will take place for IPL 2021 in late December or the first week of January. According to information available with InsideSport, BCCI has also discussed the matter informally with the franchises. The final decision in this regard will be made in the next 2-3 weeks, according to a BCCI official who is currently in Dubai for the IPL finals.
“Time constraints exist, but the full auction will benefit everyone. The IPL Governing Council will formally decide on this in the next 2 weeks and will communicate with all interested parties ”, said the BCCI source.
It is worth noting that BCCI in early 2018 had indicated that the board will look to increase the teams before the full player auctions in 2020. Will BCCI try to increase the number of teams for the next edition?
“Too early to discuss this”replied the BCCI official.
2021 IPL full player auctions will bring relief for teams like Chennai Super Kings
After the 2020 IPL debacle, one team desperate to rebuild is Chennai Super Kings. For them, having a full auction of players will be a welcome relief. Even MS Dhoni during the post-match interview after playing the last IPL 2020 league game stated that the rebuilding of the team will depend on the decision made by the BCCI for the next player auction.
“We have to wait and see what the BCCI decides on next season’s player auctions,” Dhoni had said in response to CSK’s rebuilding plans for IPL 2021.
Not just CSK, but teams like Rajasthan Royals, KingsXI Punjab, Sunrisers Hyderabad, Royal Challengers Bangalore, according to a source, have also indicated to BCCI in an informal discussion that they will welcome full player auctions for next season.
IPL 2021: When will BCCI make final decision on full player auctions?
If plans for full-blown player auctions are to go ahead, the BCCI will have final decisions to make soon. Auctions must be completed by the 1st or 2nd week of January, which is only 7 weeks away.