US Presidential Elections May Produce Florida 2000 On Steroids

WASHINGTON: It will Florida 2000 on steroids if there are no decisive margins and final projections in the 2020 presidential election.
While Michigan and Wisconsin, where Biden has regained the lead by the narrowest margins (0.7 percent and 0.6 percent respectively), are expected to finish counting the votes on Wednesday to determine a winner, Pennsylvania, Georgia and North CarolinaThe three states where Trump leads are not expected to finish counting until Thursday or Friday.
Trump leads Biden by a massive 9.3 percent in Pennsylvania, but Democrats say more than a million ballots remain to be counted and are confident of erasing the deficit because most of the votes are ballots by mail and from the Philadelphia metropolitan area. whose participation is considered favorable for the Biden-Harris ticket. Republicans are confident that the lead is large enough to withstand the recent Democratic surge.
Trump leads Georgia by 2 percent with 94 percent of the votes counted, and here again Democrats hope for a change when all of the Atlanta metropolitan area votes are counted. Trump also leads by a narrow 1.2% in North Carolina, but more than 200,000 votes have yet to be counted.
Final screenings could take days, even weeks, if both parties legalize and involve the courts. In the 2000 presidential election, it all came down to Florida for one side to get 270 electoral votes, and it took the courts weeks to unravel the dispute before the Supreme Court called it in favor of George Bush against Al Gore in a controversial decision of a conservative majority court.
The final margin of victory: 527 votes after nearly six million votes cast. Bush got 2,912,790 votes to Gore’s 2,912,253, and to this day many Democrats believe they were duped out of the presidency because too many votes were disqualified. As with Trump, Bush also lost the popular vote at the national level.
Any or all of the half-dozen states on the 2020 battlefield have the potential to be the Florida of 2020. The United States Supreme Court currently has a conservative majority of 6-3.
