New Delhi: Actor Faraaz Khan, best known for his role in Rani Mukerji’s ‘Mehndi’, died on Wednesday after a prolonged illness. Actress and filmmaker Pooja Bhatt mourned her death on Twitter, saying: “With heavy heart I bring you the news that #FaraazKhan has left us for what I believe is a better place. Thanks to all of you for your help and good wishes when I needed it. more. Please keep your family in your thoughts and prayers. The void you have left will be impossible to fill. “
With heavy heart I give you the news that #FaraazKhan It has left us for what I think is a better place. Thank you all for your help and good wishes when I needed it most. Please keep your family in your thoughts and prayers. The void you have left behind will be impossible to fill.
– Pooja Bhatt (@ PoojaB1972) November 4, 2020
Faraaz Khan was fighting for his life in a Bengaluru hospital. He had suffered a brain infection. Pooja Bhatt was the first to offer her financial support after the news of her illness broke. His family had sought monetary help online.
Share and contribute if possible. I am. I’d appreciate if any of you could too.
– Pooja Bhatt (@ PoojaB1972) October 14, 2020
Superstar Salman Khan had also volunteered to help the actor.
Faraaz suffered three consecutive seizures due to a herpes infection in his brain that had spread from his chest. He developed pneumonia as a result of the seizures. He needed 25 lakh rupees for the treatment, for which his family had started a fundraiser.
In the workplace, in addition to 1998’s ‘Mehndi’, Faraaz Khan is also known for Vikram Bhatt’s 1996 thriller ‘Fareb’.