New Delhi: A television actress named Malvi Malhotra was allegedly stabbed by a man in Mumbai for rejecting her marriage proposal. The defendant, Yogesh Mahipal Singh, had met Malvi a couple of times before the incident occurred under the pretext of being a producer. After which, he pressured the actress to marry her. However, after she rejected his proposal, Yogesh attacked her three times with a knife.
The PTI news agency reports that the incident took place around 9 p.m. Monday in the Versova area of Andheri as Malvi Malhotra was returning home from a cafe.
Yashpal, who was in a car, stopped her on the road and asked why she had stopped talking to him, a police officer said. An argument ensued between the two, and he stabbed Malvi with a knife in the abdomen and in both hands and fled.
She was rushed to a private hospital where she is receiving treatment. According to the latest update, Malvi is said to be out of the woods.
“We have registered an FIR against Singh under various sections of the Indian Penal Code, including 307 (attempted murder), and we are conducting an investigation into the case,” said Versova Police Chief Inspector Raghvendra Thakur.
Malvi Malhotra is best known for her role on the television show ‘Udaan’. He has also acted in some movies.
(With PTI inputs)