Union Minister Jitendra Singh has announced a childcare leave for male government employees if they raise the child alone. The order was approved earlier, but the minister has said that not many people knew about it.
Here is everything you need to know:
one. Childcare leave is generally granted to female employees. This can be for a maximum period of two years throughout the service before your child turns 18.
two. It is treated as an earned license.
3. But it cannot be awarded more than three times in the same year.
Four. The order making single male government employees eligible for this leave was passed in 2018. But as the minister said, there is not much awareness about the policy.
5. Of the total 730 days of leave, employees receive full salary for the first 365 days and 80 percent of salary for the next 365 days.
6. Who will qualify as a single male government servant eligible for this license? Government services for widowers, divorcees, single men.
7. A licensed childcare employee can now leave headquarters with the prior approval of the competent authority, the minister said.
8. The employee can make use of the Leave Travel Grant (LTC) even if he is on child care leave.
9. In the case of a disabled child, the condition that parents can only avail themselves of childcare leave until the child reaches the age of 22 has been abolished. Now, it can be used at any time.
10. The goal is to make life easier for government officials, the minister said.