Noida: In a bizarre incident, a balloon in the shape of the fictional superhero comic character Iron Man was reported to be flying in the sky over Uttar Pradesh’s Greater Noida on Saturday. Anxious locals in the Dankaur area complained to the police about the mysterious object.
According to officials, the locals thought it was an alien and when the balloon descended into a canal near the village of Bhatta Parsaul, a large crowd gathered to take a look.
Confirming the incident, Noida police said on Saturday that a robot-shaped balloon was found near the village of Bhatta Parsaul in the Dankaur area. They said it went down because it was losing gas.
“It was a balloon filled with air that had risen in the sky and then came down and got stuck in the bushes along the canal. A part of the balloon was touching the water flowing in the canal, which had caused the balloon fidgeting a little bit. Unbeknownst to the viewers, this led to an anxious observation, “Anil Kumar Pandey told PTI Dankaur SHO.
“It was shaped like the Iron Man (comic character) given its color and design. It was an unusual sight, so some people even thought it was an alien, or something like that, and they were worried,” Pandey said.
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The official said the balloon was removed around noon.
Police found nothing harmful on the object and it is yet to determine who floated it in the air.