When Apple began selling the iPhone 11 in India at a price of Rs 54,900 and with a free pair of AirPods, the offer sold out within hours and it is no longer available in its India Online Store.
An iPhone 11 for Rs 47,999 on sale on Amazon is a better option now.
- The iPhone 11 with free AirPods offer was launched on October 17.
- The offer sold out within a few hours and is no longer available in the Apple India store.
- For consumers, an iPhone 11 for 47,999 rupees on sale on Amazon is a better option now.
The Diwali deal for the iPhone 11 with free AirPods ended a few hours after it went on sale on October 17. Apple had announced that the deal would be available while supplies were depleted and the stock apparently didn’t last long. When the sale of the iPhone 11 opened at a price of Rs 54,900 and a free pair of AirPods, it ended in a matter of hours. Now the iPhone 11 is available from the Apple Store at a price of Rs 54,900 without free AirPods and that means that the iPhone 11 at Rs 47,999 on the Amazon India website is a better option for consumers.
Unlike the iPhone 11 in the Apple Store, the iPhone 11 sold on Amazon still comes with a charger in the box, along with a pair of EarPods.
While the iPhone 11 price on the Amazon India website starts from Rs 47,999, that’s just for the white color variant. Other color options cost Rs 48,999. It also seems that Amazon is also finding it difficult to keep the product in stock because unlike on October 16, when the iPhone 11 was delivered the next day, now the delivery time has exceeded 10 days.
Buyers on Amazon can also take advantage of more discounts on iPhone 11 by using an HDFC bank card to make purchases. HDFC credit card users can get a discount of up to Rs 1750 and HDFC debit card users get a Rs 1250 discount. And if you have an Amazon-ICICI card, and if you use it, you get a 5% cash back. cent, which in this case will be a little over 2000 rupees, as Amazon Pay money.
On October 16, India Today Tech made a comprehensive comparison between the iPhone 11 offering on the Apple Store and the iPhone 11 offering on the Amazon website. That is no longer relevant. Now it is clear that if you are shopping for an iPhone 11 this holiday season, currently Amazon India seems to be a better place to get it.