Latest news from CBSE: After extending the deadline for payment of the exam fee of the class 10, 12 board exams of 2021, the Central Board of Secondary Education could postpone the board exams until May. In particular, the Delhi government’s education department has written to the CBSE, urging it not to take the board exams next year before May and further reduce the curriculum as schools continue to be closed due to the pandemic. of COVID-19. Also Read – Latest News on Coronavirus Vaccine: No Major Mutation in Virus, Will Not Hamper Vaccines, Center Says; Modi suggests a vaccine delivery system like surveys
In a letter to the CBSE, the Directorate of Education (DoE) said that due to the COVID-19 pandemic a large part of the time of the 2020-21 academic session (approximately seven months) could not be used for the learning process of classroom teaching, as schools in Delhi are closed until October 31st. Also Read: Kerala Government Cancels Services Of 432 Medical Personnel For Unauthorized License For Years
“Although online and semi-online teaching-learning activities are carried out through live classes, as well as worksheets or activity sheets, they cannot replace the teaching-learning process in the physical classroom” the DoE said in the letter. Read Also – International Flights: Want To Fly To / From India-Bangladesh? Flights will resume from October 28 under the air bubble pact | See details
“In order to provide students with a reasonable time to study in person at the schools, it is requested that the ongoing academic session be extended beyond March and that the CBSE board examinations not be taken before May 2021 Consequently, the next academic session can start from July 2021 “, he added.
In the wake of the new coronavirus, educational institutes across the country, including schools and universities, have been closed since mid-March. The MHA recently released the Unlock 5 guidelines, in which it indicated that schools, universities and other educational institutions outside of COVID-19 containment zones may reopen after October 15. However, the states will make the final decision on the resumption of normal classes. / UTs
Earlier this month, the Delhi government led by Kejriwal had announced that schools would remain closed until October 31 for the safety of students.
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