New Delhi: After announcing the launch of its long-awaited iPhone 12 series, Apple has lowered the price of older iPhones in India. And, with Flipkart’s Big Billion Days offer, one can get their hands on a 2020 iPhone SE priced at just Rs 25,999 and less.
While the phone is listed at Rs 25,999 for Flipkart Plus members, interested buyers can use a number of other offers that can make the iPhone price well below Rs 20,000.
The original price for the same variant is Rs 39,999, but the e-commerce giant is offering a massive Rs 14,000 discount.
The iPhone SE 2020 price can easily be reduced to Rs 20,000 or even less using Flipkart’s exchange offer. The exchange value will depend on the phone offered.
Read: You want to have an iPhone at a lower price, Apple has cut the prices of older models in India – see all the details here
In addition to the exchange offer, users can take advantage of the banking offer provided by Flipkart. The company offers a discount of up to Rs 1,750 for buyers using SBI credit cards. For SBI debit card holders, the company will offer a maximum discount of Rs 1,200.
Including these offers, the 2020 iPhone SE could be sold at the lowest possible price in the current year.
Interested buyers who are not Flipkart Plus members can take advantage of the offer starting October 16.