New Delhi: Filmmaker Sandip Ssingh has filed a defamation case against a popular news television channel for damage to his public image. Sandip, who is friends with the friend of the late actor Sushant Singh Rajput, sent a legal notice to the channel and some others who raised suspicions about him in the case of the latter’s death.
Sandip shared a copy of his legal notice on Instagram. Your notice reads: By this Legal Notice, you are asked to remove, delete, and delete all malicious images and articles that are immediately posted against my client or anyone on their behalf, in any other print / online forum and TV at all and bid / deliver an unconditional written / video public apology to my client for his frivolous and vexatious allegations he has already made. Such an apology must include the true facts about my client’s integrity, as evidenced by his impeccable record.
By this Legal Notice, the Notices are asked to remove, delete and delete all malicious images and articles that are immediately broadcast against my client or anyone on their behalf, in any other print / online forum and TV, any whatever, and to present / post an Unconditional Public Written / Video Apology to my client for his frivolous and vexatious accusations he has already made. Such an apology must include the true facts about my client’s integrity, as evidenced by his impeccable record.
Sandip Ssingh has produced Bollywood films such as Mary Kom, Aligarh, Sarabjit, Bhoomi, and the PM Narendra Modi biopic.
Sushant Singh Rajput was found dead at his Bandra residence on June 14, 2020, and Sandip was one of the first among his close circle of friends and family to arrive at the scene.