Actress Payal Ghosh has shared some now-deleted posts from 2018 in which she spoke about the incident that took place in 2015 where director Anurag Kashyap attempted to sexually assault her. In those posts, she did not take his name openly, but instead used ‘famous director’. She claimed in those posts that being ‘physically friendly’ was the criteria for working with him.
In the Twitter post, he shared three screenshots and claimed that his manager and family removed those posts. “I will make sure to change the name from #metooindia to something else because #metooindia is fake and the slave of influential people,” he added. In one of the posts, he had alleged that the ‘famous director’ had slept with more than 600 women. In another post, she had said: “I want to say many things, but my family does not allow me to talk about it and made me delete all the tweets.”
My few posts during #I also move that was eliminated by my manager and my family. I’ll make sure to change the name #metooindia to something else because #metooindia it is false and a slave of influential people.
– Payal Ghosh (@iampayalghosh) September 29, 2020
Conversation between your manager and your family.
In another tweet, he shared a screenshot of the WhatsApp chat between his manager and his family, where they were discussing removing his posts from social media accounts. She wrote: “Message from my manager to my family because I was scared of Bollywood shit.”
The message from my manger to my family because I was afraid of the Bollywood dalle 😂
– Payal Ghosh (@iampayalghosh) September 29, 2020
Payal Ghosh had denounced on September 19 that Anurag Kashyap had imposed it on him five years ago in an interview with a television channel. According to her allegation, when she went to his house on a bid for a role, Anurag Kashyap undressed wanting to have a sexual encounter with her, which she had refused. She also said that Kashyapa had allegedly told her that several Bollywood actresses regularly sleep with her.
He had also tweeted about it in which he tagged Prime Minister Modi and called for action against Kashyap. He subsequently also filed a complaint with the Mumbai police. The National Commission for Women came in support and promised to take action if the allegations were found to be true. She has also met with the Governor of Maharashtra, Bhagat Singh Koshiyari, and asked for her support in the case. Mumbai police may soon summon Anurag Kashyap over the complaint.