Mumbai: The Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) on Friday questioned actor Rakul Preet Singh, Deepika Padukone’s manager, Karishma Prakash, and Dharma Productions executive producer, Kshitij Ravi, in the drug investigation related to the death of Sushant Singh Rajput. The NCB has asked Karishma Prakash to appear before it again on Saturday, when it would also record Deepika’s statement, an official said. Prakash was interrogated for about seven hours.
Ravi, who was taken to NCB’s boarding house from his Versova residence in the morning after returning to town, hadn’t left until late at night. Rakul (29) was seen entering NCB’s guesthouse in Colaba around 10.30am and left after four hours.
The NCB had cited her as part of their investigation into the alleged Bollywood drug nexus. Her name had come up during the questioning of actress Rhea Chakraborty, the Rajput girlfriend who was arrested along with more than a dozen people, the official said.
An NCB team had raided Ravi’s residence at Versova in the western suburbs on Thursday, but he was out of town. The NCB, which launched the investigation after a drug angle in connection with the Rajput’s alleged suicide came to light, has now expanded its investigation and asked a group of Bollywood celebrities to “join the investigation. “.
Padukone, along with fellow actors Shraddha Kapoor and Sara Ali Khan are scheduled to record remarks at NCB’s office on Saturday. Rajput (34) was found hanging in his apartment in the suburbs of Bandra on June 14.