Huma Qureshi has broken the silence on #MeToo’s allegations against Anurag Kashyap by actress Payal Ghosh. The actress, who made her Bollywood debut with Kashyap’s Gangs of Wasseypur, released a statement and said that the filmmaker never misbehaved with her. She added that she did not comment on the controversy until now, as she does not believe in fights on social media and media lawsuits. The Bell Bottom actress said that a person who claims to have been abused should report it to the proper authorities.
Huma Qureshi shared the statement on Twitter.
The statement reads: “Anurag and I last worked together in 2012-13 and he is a dear friend and extremely talented director. In my personal experience and to my knowledge, he has not misbehaved to me or anyone else. Without However, anyone who claims to be abused must report it to the authorities, the police and the judiciary.
“I chose not to comment until now because I don’t believe in social media fights and media judgments. I feel really angry about being dragged into this mess. I feel angry not only for myself but also for all the women whose years of hard work and the fight comes down to unsubstantiated conjecture and accusations at your workplace. Please refrain from this narrative. “
Huma added that it is the responsibility of both men and women to carefully protect the sanctity of the #MeToo movement.
– Huma S Qureshi (@humasqureshi) September 22, 2020
Payal Ghosh had posted a video accusing Anurag Kashyap of sexually harassing her. In the video, she alleged that actresses like Richa Chadha and Huma Qureshi have to make a physical relationship every time Anurag calls them. Following Payal’s allegations, Richa Chadha said she will sue Payal for naming her in the #MeToo allegations against Anurag Kashyap.
Anurag Kashyap had refuted the accusations against him. In a series of tweets, he called the accusations unfounded, adding: “I do not behave like this nor do I tolerate it at any cost.”
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– Anurag Kashyap (@ anuragkashyap72) September 19, 2020
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– Anurag Kashyap (@ anuragkashyap72) September 19, 2020
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– Anurag Kashyap (@ anuragkashyap72) September 19, 2020
– Anurag Kashyap (@ anuragkashyap72) September 19, 2020
Directed by Anurag Kashyap, Gangs of Wasseypur was released in 2012. Huma Qureshi was first seen on the big screen in this film. While the first part of the film was released in June, the second part came out in August 2012.
After Payal Ghosh accused Anurag Kashyap of sexually harassing her in 2014, the director received support from many of his friends and others in the industry. From Taapsee Pannu and Radhika Apte to Kashyap’s ex-wives Aarti Bajaj and Kalki Koechlin, the filmmaker is being championed by many on social media. However, Huma Qureshi, until now, chose not to speak on the matter.
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