New Delhi: Uttar Pradesh Prime Minister Yogi Adityanath announced on Friday (September 18, 2020) the installation of India’s “largest and most beautiful” film city in Gautam Buddh Nagar and taking note of the call, the Yamuna Highway Industrial Development (YEIDA) submitted the proposal for the establishment of the film city to the state government on Sunday (September 20, 2020).
CM Yogi Adityanath, during a meeting to review the development projects of the Meerut Division, had instructed officials to search for suitable land in or around Noida, Greater Noida or Yamuna Expressway and prepare an action plan.
He had expressed that he was going to bring a movie city to Noida and Greater Noida.
In particular, while YEIDA has already submitted its proposal, the Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority is also ready to submit the second proposal to the state government.
There is reportedly a plan to establish the film city in Sector-21 of the Yamuna Highway Industrial Development area, for which, about 1000 acres of land have been made available and 780 acres of area proposed. industrial.
The location has been chosen because it is located along the Yamuna Highway and is about 6 km from the Noida International Airport in Jewar to be built and is well connected to the railway. It is also close to the Eastern Peripheral Expressway and is close to India’s only Formula 1 track, the Gautam Buddha International Circuit.
At the beginning of September 20, CM Yogi Adityanath met the renowned film director Madhur Bhandarkar.
आदरणीय @myogiadityanath जी, आज आपसे मिलकर मुझे बहुत प्रसन्नता हुई। निसंदेह आप उत्तर प्रदेश को कुशल प्रशासन दे रहे हैं मेरी आपको ढेर सारी शुभकामनाएँ
– Madhur Bhandarkar (@imbhandarkar) September 20, 2020
Both reportedly discussed various aspects of cinema and also spoke about the Film City proposal at the meeting that took place at CM Yogi’s residence.
Read also | Kangana Ranaut applauds UP CM Yogi Adityanath for announcing the ‘largest film city’ in Noida