Samsung may soon expand its mid-range smartphone portfolio by introducing the Galaxy F series in India, according to a media report. The report claims that the South Korean company can launch a smartphone of this series priced between Rs. 15,000 and Rs. 20,000. The first, yet unidentified phone is said to be a camera-centric phone and may debut online next month. Samsung already has several M and A series smartphones in the aforementioned price range.
According to a report by 91Mobiles, Samsung will expand its online presence in India with the launch of a new series to be called the Galaxy F series. Citing sources, the report claims that the phones in the next series will be priced between 15,000 and 20,000 rupees. . Also, the phones will reportedly be camera-centric and the first phone in the line will launch online next month. Like the Galaxy M smartphones, it is claimed that the Galaxy F series phones are initially focused on the online market.
What is noteworthy is that Samsung already sells Galaxy M series smartphones in this price segment. There are some Galaxy A series phones that are in the same price range as well. It will be interesting to see how Samsung manages to avoid cannibalization of these two smartphone series, especially when the Galaxy M series of smartphones seems to be doing very well online.
According to a report from Counterpoint Research, the Samsung Galaxy M31 and Galaxy M30 were the best models at Rs. 15,000 – Rs. 20,000 price range on Amazon in Q2 2020. It also made big strides domestically by performing well on Flipkart, with Samsung being one of the top four brands that took the lion’s share of smartphone sales. online.
In fact, Samsung increased its share of online channels to 25 percent, driven by its Galaxy M series models. The brand’s top five online models were all from the Galaxy M series and these contributed to almost 90. percent of brand shipments. On our ‘best phones under Rs. 15,000 “and” best phones under Rs. With 20,000 ”guides, Samsung’s M-series smartphones have taken center stage. The upcoming F series will not only compete with the Galaxy M series, but also the Redmi, Realme and Poco phones that are already quite aggressive in the market.
Is this the end of the Samsung Galaxy Note series as we know it? We talked about this on Orbital, our weekly tech podcast, which you can subscribe to via Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or RSS, download the episode, or just hit the play button below.