Actress Kangana Ranaut’s production office was demolished by the BMC following a suspension notice for her 14 violations. The civic body carried out the demolition process while the owner was still on her flight from Himachal Pradesh to Mumbai on Wednesday. This came after all the feud between Shiv Sena and Kangana that arose when the actor compared Mumbai to PoK, with the Center granting Y + security on his way back to the city. Also Read: Kangana Ranaut Responds To ‘Elegant Feminists’, ‘Bullywood Activists’ Says ‘You Deserve The Treatment You Get From Me’
Kangana’s Manikarnika Productions was located on Nargis Dutt Road in Pali Hill. The BMC team began the demolition at 11 a.m. and ruined the property within two hours. Kangana’s lawyer, Rizwan Siddiquee, filed a petition in the morning asking the court to have an urgent hearing at 11:30 am. The court took note of the petition and scheduled the hearing for 12:30 pm. Also read: Bombay HC detains BMC on the demolition of Kangana Ranaut’s office, calls it ‘Not in good faith, it’s a Malafide plague’
According to a report published in the Mumbai Mirror, when the court hearing began, it was discovered that the BMC had issued a warning requesting the court that it should not give Kangana any relief without hearing his side of the case. The warning was issued on Tuesday, the day before. Additionally, the BMC attorney who appeared in court said she had no idea of the case and had no idea of the notice sent to the actor a day earlier. When the court asked the lawyer to call BMC commissioner Iqbal Chahal and ask him to stop the demolition at that time, the lawyer said he cannot give a “clear guarantee” whether his message has reached Chahal or not. When a court associate tried to call him, his phone was off. Ten minutes after that, the BMC attorney told the court that she had relayed the message to stop the demolition. Also read – Demolition at Kangana Ranaut’s bungalow: the actor was warned about ‘illegal construction’ two years earlier
Finally, the division bench of Judge SJ Kathawalla and RI Chagla that heard the plaintiff’s plea against BMC observed that the civic body deliberately delayed the hearing in order to demolish the property.
In its defense, the BMC denied being under the influence of Shiv Sena or any other political party while carrying out the demolition. He said the BMC has done everything according to the “book” the department has to investigate illegal construction in the city. He also said they have not demolished the entire property but only the “extended walls, partitions and toilet slabs.”
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