Apple Inc scheduled a special event for Sept. 15 on Tuesday, with fans and investors waiting for an update to the lineup of some of the company’s core products.
While Apple uses its September events to showcase its biggest products, new versions of iPhone phones can still take time, as the company in July had marked a delay of a few weeks from the usual timeline.
Other products that are generally introduced in September include new versions of the Apple Watch and iPad.
The event will be streamed on the company’s website from its campus in Cupertino, California, Apple said, without providing further details.
The typically cryptic invitation from the iPhone maker to the media read: “Time flies.”
Apple, known for its flashy launches packed with hundreds of journalists on its campus, would be forced to tone down some of the excitement this year with the event running for virtually the first time due to COVID-19.
Apple’s marketing chief tweeted a teaser video, with the release date in augmented reality format, hinting at a 3D element of the event.
“I wouldn’t count on the iPhone 12 being part of any presentation. With so much excitement around the expected 5G capability, timing will be everything and this delay could prove to be a big problem for Apple, ”said analyst Haris Anwar.
Analysts have suggested that Apple is likely to schedule a separate event later for the launch of new versions of the iPhone.
“If they can’t launch in October then it could seriously affect sales in the crucial Christmas season where many will be looking to replace their phones with newer models,” Anwar added.