In a horrific and disheartening incident, a 90-year-old woman was raped and assaulted in the Najafgarh area of Chhawla in the national capital, the Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) said on Tuesday. He also tweeted that the defendant has been arrested and an FIR registered.
The incident took place on the evening of September 7. The defendant has been identified as Sonu, 33, a resident of the Rewla Khanpur area of Delhi.
The nonagenarian was forcibly taken from her home and brutally raped, said Swati Maliwal, head of DCW. She has suffered many injuries, Maliwal added. When the head of DCW met the older woman, she was crying and asked that the victim be hanged. Maliwal stated that the old woman begged the 33-year-old woman to leave her because she is like her grandmother.
अम्मा उस 33 साल के दरिंदे से भीख माँगती रही की उनको छोड़ दे! वो उसके दादी की उमर की हैं। पर हवस के नशे में डूबे हुए उस जानवर ने रेप कर सब हद पार कर दीं!
कैसा समाज है हमारा? इंसानियत मर गयी है जिसके लिए 6 महीने की बेटी और 90 साल की महिला – दोनों ही सिर्फ़ एक वस्तु है। शर्मनाक!
– Swati Maliwal (@SwatiJaiHind) September 8, 2020
On the microblogging site, Twitter, DCW said: “A 90-year-old woman raped and assaulted in the Chhawla, Najafgarh area of Delhi. The head of the DCW, Swati Maliwal, met with the lady today. The accused has been arrested, registered by FIR “.
She was reportedly raped on a two-kilometer deserted road. People gathered after hearing the woman’s cry and the accused was caught red-handed, after which the police were informed.
90-year-old woman raped and assaulted in the Chhawla, Najafgarh area of Delhi. Head of DCW @SwatiJaiHind I met the lady today. The defendant has been arrested, FIR registered.
– Delhi Women’s Commission – DCW (@DCWDelhi) September 8, 2020
According to the police, the accused was drunk. In this case, the police registered a case and arrested the defendant under Articles 376 and 363 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC).