In his tweet on August 30, Kangana Ranaut demanded security from the Himachal Pradesh police or the Center, saying that “now he is more afraid of the Mumbai police than of the movie mafia.” Kangana’s tweet did not sit well with Shiv Sena’s leader, Sanjay Raut, and at a press conference today, Raut said that the actress should not be given too much importance.
On August 30, Kangana wrote that he is afraid of the Mumbai police. She wrote: “Thank you for your concern sir, I am actually more afraid of the Mumbai police now than the mafia thugs in the movies, in Mumbai I would need security from the HP government or directly from the Center, not the police from Mumbai, please. “
Thank you for your concern sir, actually I am more afraid of Mumbai police now than mafia thugs from movies, in Mumbai I would need security from HP government or directly from the Center, no Mumbai police please
– Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) August 30, 2020
When asked about Kangana’s tweet, Sanjay said: “We must know how much importance we should give to a person. If someone has any information, instead of tweeting about it, they should inform the concerned authorities.”
Sanjay’s statement also points to Kangana’s previous tweets, in which he has shown his willingness to help the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) investigate the angle of drugs in the death case of Sushant Singh Rajput. In her tweets, the actress had called Ranveer Singh, Ranbir Kapoor and Vicky Kaushal “addicted to cocaine.” She had also said that cocaine is the most used drug at high-profile Bollywood parties.
The actress has also criticized the Mumbai police for “encouraging intimidation and crime against her.” She also accused them of intimidating and threatening her.
Previously, Sanjay criticized Kangana on Shiv Sena’s spokesperson Saamana for his derogatory tweets against the Mumbai police. In the article, he had asked Kangana to refrain from traveling back to Mumbai. The actress is currently at Manali’s home with her family.
He wrote that the actress’s “betrayal” was shameful, considering she criticizes the Mumbai Police despite earning a living in the city.
“You are showing mistrust in the Mumbai police, if someone wants security from another state, they should pack their bags and move there. What kind of drama is this? Maharashtra’s interior minister must immediately respond to this, you earned the life here and now is showing dishonesty, if any political party is supporting this, then it is not right, “wrote Sanjay.
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