In a shocking claim, Bollywood star Kangana Ranaut has accused Shiv Sena’s deputy Sanjay Raut of threatening her. Kangana posted a tweet saying that Raut is openly threatening her not to return to Mumbai if she has no faith in the Mumbai police. Kangana also added that Mumbai now looks like Pakistani-occupied Kashmir to him.
“The leader of Sanjay Raut Shiv Sena has openly threatened me and asked me not to return to Mumbai, after Aazadi graffiti on the streets of Mumbai and now open threats, why does Mumbai feel like Pakistan occupied Kashmir? Kangna tweeted.
The leader of Sanjay Raut Shiv Sena has openly threatened me and asked me not to return to Mumbai, after Aazadi graffiti on the streets of Mumbai and now open threats, why does Mumbai feel like Pakistan occupied Kashmir?
– Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) September 3, 2020
Previously, Sanjay Raut had beaten Kangana on Shiv Sena’s spokesman, Saamana, saying that his “betrayal” was shameful by raising his fingers on the Mumbai police despite living in the city. He had written: “We kindly ask you not to come to Mumbai. This is nothing more than an insult to the Mumbai police. The Home Office should take action on this.”
It should be noted that Kangana talks a lot about the case of the death of actor Sushant Singh Rajput and had also raised questions about the functioning of the Mumbai police in the past.
Shortly after Sushant’s disappearance, Kangana has reopened the conversation about nepotism and favoritism in Bollywood that is said to promote child stars over outsiders.
In a series of tweets posted last week, Kangana had also alleged that drugs are a common occurrence at B-Town parties.
“If the Narcotics Control Office enters Bullywood, many A-listers will be behind bars, if blood tests are done, many shocking revelations will happen. I hope that @PMOIndia under the mission Swachh Bharat will clean the sewer called Bullywood”, had tweeted.