Rhea Chakraborty, accused of inciting the suicide of actor Sushant Singh Rajput, was interrogated by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) for more than 10 hours on Friday. Chakraborty left the DRDO guesthouse complex in Santacruz shortly after 9 p.m. She can be cited again on August 29.
Zee News has accessed the details of the interrogation and according to sources, Riya was unable to provide a direct answer to the CBI’s questions. The questions were: “Did you break up with Sushant on June 8? If so, what was the reason for the breakup?” To this, Rea could not give a clear answer.
The CBI further asked that “Sushant tried to call her around 2 pm on June 14. Didn’t you see any SoS on him? Didn’t you call Sushant again in the morning?” The investigative agency also asked him, “after leaving home on June 8, why did he make no attempt to take on Sushant’s condition by calling Sushant’s sister Mitu or any Sushant staff member during the next week?”
“When they could not be reached on June 9, Sushant called his brother Showik and asked him about your situation, if he was very concerned about you at that time and why he did not communicate despite what Shovik told him.”
Without a clear answer, Rhea only said that all the accusations against her are unfounded. “I am innocent. I do not know what happened to Sushant between June 8 and 14. There was no transaction between Sushant and my company and I have not taken money from Sushant. Evidence can be given of how deep Sushant was in depression. A you for the doctors who were treating Sushant. “
She further said: “Sushant was concerned about my bad relationship with Sushant’s family and especially with Priyanka Singh. He tried to work it out but Priyanka did not listen. Once Sushant wanted Rani Di’s help in this matter, his brother-in-law OP Singh asked him. she scolded. Sushant said ‘keep my wife (Rani Di) away from these problems of yours’. She never wanted to tell her father about these fights so he wouldn’t get mad. I was just hoping for help from Rani Di. “
“Sushant was supposed to get 15 million rupees for a film, but due to the blockade, neither the film could be completed nor Sushant received payment, he was also concerned about this,” he added.
He left the DRDO boarding house to go home after the CBI questioning, but left his house again and arrived at the Santa Cruz police station.
In the morning, Chakraborty had left his residence at around 10 a.m. to reach the boarding house where the team from the Central Bureau of Investigation is stationed. Before their arrival, Rajput’s roommate Siddharth Pithani and manager Samual Miranda had arrived at the DRDO guesthouse.
The CBI team, which has been in town for the past eight days to investigate Sushant’s death, had recorded the Aug. 27 statement from Rhea’s brother, Showik Chakraborty. So far, the CBI has questioned Pithani, cook Neeraj Singh and domestic helper Deepesh Sawant, among others, as part of their investigation in the high-profile case.
Previously, before the CBI took over the investigation, the Mumbai police had recorded Rhea Chakraborty’s statement. Last week, the Supreme Court upheld the transfer of an FIR, brought by Rajput’s father in Patna against Rhea Chakraborty and others for allegedly instigating her son’s suicide and misappropriating her money, to the CBI. The 34-year-old actor was found hanged on June 14 at his flat in the suburbs of Bandra.