In this episode, first Santanu Chowdhury speaks on the aftermath of the Cyclone Amphan, the damage that has been done in the West of Bengal, and the way in which the authorities are struggling to cope with the situation. Next, Pranav Mukul clears the confusion with respect to domestic flights, the clashes between the states and the Centre, and the reason why the flights have been made to resume (08:18). And finally, Karishma Mehrotra discusses the lack of testing facilities in the districts of the recording of the new cases and explains why this issue is of special importance now (15:52).
The cyclone Amphan batsmen of West Bengal, the confusion about the flights of low-COVID-19 examination centresIn this episode, first Santanu Chowdhury speaks on the aftermath of the Cyclone Amphan, the damage that has been done in the West of Bengal, and the way in which the authorities are struggling to cope with the situation. Next, Pranav Mukul clears the confusion with respect to domestic flights, the clashes between the states and the Centre, and the reason why the flights have been made to resume (08:18). And finally, Karishma Mehrotra discusses the lack of testing facilities in the districts of the recording of the new cases and explains why this issue is of special importance now (15:52).
Additional link – The rules for the passengers in the different states
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