Days after communal fighting broke out in Telinipara, in the Hooghly district of West Bengal, the District Judge issued Wednesday (May 13) prohibitive orders imposing section 144 CrPC in the area and ordered that the services of The Internet, including broadband, will remain suspended in Chandannagar and the Shrirampur subdivision. until 6 pm on May 17.
Violent clashes erupted between two groups in the Telinipara area after members of a community were allegedly approached as a “crown” by a handful of locals who belonged to another group.
Section 144 CrPC has reportedly been imposed in the area to maintain law and order, while the state administration also suspended
mobile internet services in Chandannagar and Serampore Sub-division.
Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Tuesday criticized a section of BJP leaders for allegedly instigating communal clashes and said the culprits will not be spared while addressing the media in Kolkata.
“I told the police to take the strictest measures. Those who violated the blockade and indulged in communal confrontations will be tried under the National Disaster Management Law. None will be saved. We will not see if the person belongs to community A or community B, ”said Mamata.
Immediately after, strict actions and raids were carried out in the area that led to the arrest of up to 56 people. A senior police official said: “Several senior officers from the Chandannagar Police Commission were at the scene until last night and the situation was brought under control. The raids continued throughout the night and 56 people were identified who had not only violated the confinement but also resorted to vandalism and arson in the area. They have all been arrested, there are more raids. “