Class 10 board exams will be held June 1-12 in Tamil Nadu, says minister


Class 10 students in the state will begin writing their board exams beginning June 1, the Minister of School Education K.A. Sengottaiyan said Tuesday. Exams were supposed to start on March 27, but were postponed due to the COVID-19 blockade.

Exams will take place from June 1 to 12 and students will start with the language document.

While class 12 exams (plus two) ended in the state, there were concerns that 36,842 students were unable to write their last paper on March 24 due to current restrictions and the state government had announced that the exam will be supported by them again. “This exam will now take place on June 4,” Me. Sengottaiyan said.

The evaluation of the response scripts for Plus 2 will start from May 27, he said, and a timeline for this will be released soon. The Minister said that steps were being taken to ensure that physical distance would be maintained at the examination centers.

The final Class 11 Board exam (plus one) that had to be postponed from March 26 due to closure will be held on June 2.

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