Maharashtra Prime Minister Uddhav Thackeray submitted a nomination for the Legislative Council election on Monday (May 11) and stated in his affidavit that he and his family have assets worth Rs 143.26 million, including property furniture and real estate, but who does not own a car.
Notably, the head of Shiv Sena is contesting his first choice. In 2019, Uddhav’s eldest son, Aaditya, became the first member of the Thackeray family to contest an election when the election of the Maharashtra Assembly of Worli was contested.
In his inaugural election affidavit filed with the Election Commission, Uddhav has provided details of his salary, interest, dividends and capital gains as his sources of income. The Supreme Shiv Sena also declared liabilities of Rs 15.50 million, including loans of Rs 4.06 million.
Uddhav listed all of his financial assets and gave details of the sources of income for his family members. He also stated that his wife Rashmi Thackeray, who is also editor of party spokesman Shiv Sena ‘Saamana’, is making her income from various businesses.
According to the Uddhav affidavit, Rashmi has also declared the company’s interest, income, profit-sharing, dividend and capital gain as its sources of income. She also has a loan worth Rs 11.44 crore.
The affidavit shows that the Thackeray family has mobile assets of Rs 61.89.57,443 and Rs 81.37,17,320 of real estate and the liabilities amounted to Rs 15,50,36,733.
The affidavit lists Uddhav’s personal assets as Rs 76.59 crore, of which Rs 52.44 crore is real estate and Rs 24.14 crore.