Bois Locker Room Case: Delhi Police Say Younger Girl Created Fake Account, Suggested Sexual Assault Plan | India News


New Delhi: In a new development in the “Bois Locker Room” case, police revealed that the alleged conversation of ‘sexual assault’ on Snapchat between two people was made by a minor, a girl, through a fake profile to another minor, a child. The Delhi Police Cyber ​​Crimes Unit said in a statement on Sunday (May 10, 2020)

The girl used a fictitious name ‘Siddharth’ to make the profile and the conversation was to test the other boy’s ‘values ​​and character’, police said.

The girl who used the false identity of a male person, suggested a plan to sexually assault her, to which the recipient refused to participate.

The boy who received the message took a screenshot of the chat and shared it with his friends, including the girl about whom the alleged conversation had occurred. The girl, aware of the fact that ‘Siddharth’s’ story was the same false / fictional that she had created. She did not report it to anyone.

However, one of the other recipients of the screenshot posted it as an Instagram story for some time, and from there it started circulating on the social media accounts of his friends, schoolmates, etc.

But the cyber cell police investigation has now revealed that there was no such sexual assault plan against the girl and the conversation started from the fake account started by the girl herself.

Police in the statement have stated that neither of them was related in any way to the Bois Locker Room Instagram Group, either through their real or fake username.

While efforts are also being made to identify and interview the rest of the members of the ‘Bois Locker Room’ group as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, one defendant has been detained while another minor has been detained and the devices of the individuals involved have been seized and sent for forensic analysis, further investigations are underway.

