Domestic flights to green areas are likely to be post-3.0 blocked


NAVI MUMBAI: The central government is considering gradually starting 25% of domestic flights after shutdown 3.0, according to the president of India Airport Authority (AAI), Arvind Singh.
“We have prepared standard operating procedures to resume flight operations after closure, “noted the President.
‘The planned flight operations would be from one green zone to another green zone. The civil aviation ministry has held discussions with airport operators and airlines, “he said.
Masks, gloves and disinfectants would be strictly followed for flight operations. The current Air india Flight operations to evacuate Indians from foreign countries have not vacated the center seat, even some stakeholders, including busy travelers, are known to suggest a reservation of some proportion to strengthen social distancing. “We have made a suggestion for consideration,” said a senior official at a private airport operating company.

