The President of the USA USA, Trump says daily coronavirus test to be performed


After his military aide tested positive for coronavirus, United States President Donald Trump said Thursday that he would be tested for COVID-19 every day.

A Trump military aide, whom officials described as a personal valet, tested positive for coronavirus. The President said he had very little contact with him.

“I have had very little contact, personal contact, with this gentleman. I know who is. Good person. But I have had very little contact. (Vice President) Mike (Pence) has had very little contact with him. But Mike was tested and I was tested. We were both tested, ”Trump told reporters in the White House Oval Office.

Responding to questions, Trump said that he, the vice president, and other White House staff would be screened for coronaviruses every day.

“I just had a test. In fact, I had one yesterday and one today, and it’s negative. Mike just had a test and it’s negative, “he said.

“But they do the tests and that only shows that the fallacy, is what I have been saying, the tests are not a perfect art. No matter what you do, testing is not a perfect art. So we test once a week. Now we are going to do the test once a day. But even when you test one day, someone could: something happens where they catch something, “said the president.

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