50 fans soon, WE are told, trashes talk of 2 million dollars of payment | News from India


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NEW DELHI: The first tranche of 50 the fans donated by the US will arrive in India in a couple of days, along with 150 others in the next few weeks, US officials he told journalists on Tuesday. It refuted some news that had said India would be paying more than $2 million for the fans.
“This is a donation. The united states government plans to donate 200 fans to India, and we expect the first tranche of 50 to arrive soon,” said Ramona El Hamzaoui, director ad interim of the United states agency for International Development (USAID). Fans, he said, are being provided by the united states to a number of countries to help fight the Covid-19 pandemic. This was announced by the us President, Donald Trump in a tweet a couple days ago.
The US is the donation of 200 fans to Russia, along with several other countries, as part of the $ 900 million program of assistance in the time of the pandemic.
While Trump has threatened to cut the funding to THAT, Meghna Desairepresentative of the The centers for Disease Control (CDC), said that they were working on the reform of the WHO, “access to vaccines and supply chains should be open to all”. The CDC has recently given $3.6 million to India.

