In the electrocution death case of Sakha Kumari in Thiruvananthapuram Karakonam, the deceased’s husband, Arun (29), was arrested by Vellarada police on Sunday. Vellarada’s deputy inspector Rajathilakam told TNM that Arun had confessed to the crime and told them that the motive for the murder was to get rid of his wife and acquire her property.
Sakha Kumari, 51, was found electrocuted at her residence in Karakonam’s Thresiapuram. According to the police, Arun, a native of Balaramapuram, tortured her in her room after a fight and dragged her into the living room where he electrocuted her. While the exact details are unclear, he shocked her with a wire he had run from the main switchboard to the living room. Sakha reportedly suffered injuries to his hands, head and face from the electric shock.
Arun had informed the neighbors and the hospital where Sakha was taken that she had suffered an electric shock from the Christmas lights installed in her house. However, the doctor who checked her body was suspicious of Arun’s statements. Sakha’s relatives had also told police that the couple, who were married two months ago, were not getting along.
According to police sources, Arun told them that he was depressed because people made fun of him because of the age difference between him and his wife. He also reportedly told the police that he was in financial trouble and needed money.
Police said the killing was premeditated, as Arun had laid the wire to electrocute Sakha before dragging her into the living room.
Police said that based on their preliminary findings, Arun likely fell asleep again in the early hours of Saturday after killing his wife. Later, at 6 am, he went to the neighbor’s house and informed them that Sakha had been found dead.
Police said Arun also suffered minor injuries during the commotion that occurred just before the murder.
Sakha Kumari’s funeral took place on Sunday.
Arun will appear in court on Monday.