Stock photo of the University of Delhi.
Miranda House has set her limit for BA (Hons) English at 99.00%, BA (Hons) History at 98.75%, BA (Hons) Political Science at 99.00, BA (Hons) Sociology at 98.50% and BA (Hons) Economy 98.75 percent respectively.
- News18.com New Delhi
- Last update: October 10, 2020 11:08 PM IST
The University of Delhi (DU) announced its first cut-list for undergraduate admissions on Saturday for the 2020-21 academic year. Lady Shri Ram College For Women set the highest limit at 100 percent for three courses for general category applicants – BA (Hons) Economics, BA (Hons) Political Science and BA (Hons) Psychology, followed by 99.75% in BA Statistics Course (Hons).
The university has also announced the cut for B Com (Hons) to 99.75%, 99.00% for BA (Hons) English and BA (Hons) Journalism. For BA (Hons) History admissions, the limit is 99.50 percent. The limit for BA (Hons) Sociology is 99.25 and BA (Hons) Philosophy is 98.00. The limit for BA Mathematics (Hons) is 97.25 percent.
Shri Ram College of Commerce (SRCC) has announced a cut of 99.00% for BA (Hons) Economics and 99.50% for B Com (Hons). Miranda House has set her limit for BA (Hons) English at 99.00%, BA (Hons) History at 98.75%, BA (Hons) Political Science at 99.00, BA (Hons) Sociology at 98.50% and BA (Hons) Economy 98.75 percent respectively. Hindu College kept its BA (Hons) cap at 99.25%, BA (Hons) Economics at 99.25%, and BA (Hons) Political Science at 99.50%. The university also has a limit of 98.3 percent for BSC (Hons) Chemistry, 99.00% for BSc (Hons) Mathematics, and 99.33% for BSc (Hons) Physics.
About 70,000 undergraduate openings are up for grabs with the admissions process as of October 12. University officials had said the limits would be higher this year as more students scored above 90 percent on board exams. The admission process will be completely online due to the coronavirus pandemic. The new session will begin on November 18.
DU issued a notice stating that the court list will be released on Monday or October 12. Eligible candidates who meet the requirements notified in the first cut-off list are encouraged to complete their admission procedures through online mode within the stipulated time, as previously notified on the university website.