4. Put the ball in the center court
An important strategy that has fueled the protests has been their success in moving the ball to the Center court and forcing it to respond.
According to union leaders, narratives have previously spread that farmers are not interested in speaking to the Center. But then they wrote several letters asking for time for discussions.
“Before, the ball was in the field of protesting farmers. What the movement has done is put the ball on the government court. And it is clear now that the Center is not being transparent in its negotiations. This has also led to an increase in solidarity and support for us, ”said Deepak Lamba of Jai Kisan Andolan.
The protest organizers explained that an important factor in sustaining the protests has been their motto of unity at all costs between the farmers of Punjab and Haryana. Farmers said there were multiple attempts to drive a wedge between the states, but the sentiment of protest had seeped into Haryana through border regions such as Hisar, Sirsa and Fatiabad and quickly spread throughout the state.
Kanupriya, former president of the Punjab University Student Council, says it is important to understand that “of course there are debates and discussions, but there are no fights between people.” Kanupriya has been on the Singhu border for weeks and says: “The banners under which people have organized may be different, but the struggle is one. There is a clear understanding of this. “