In the viral Facebook video, the dog mirrors the lameness of the injured owner: ‘Love him’

It was a fairly weak-revival.

Hearts melt hearts online after a sympathetic UK puke imitated the weakness of its injured owner in a clear demonstration of solidarity.

“There’s nothing wrong, just empathy,” Russell Jones wrote with a Facebook video of the heartbreaking performance, which is currently the equivalent of 27,000 shares.

Indeed, the 12-second clip shows a Londoner walking on a crutch with a bandaged foot, while his dog Bill bites him with a paw.

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Initially thinking something was amiss, Joan wrote that she spent more than $ 400 on “veterinary fees and X-rays” just to find out if her pet was involved in commerce. Needless to say, the tragic pantomime shared support on Facebook.

“Yeah no! That’s the most beautiful thing ever,” asked one commenter on Bill’s clear claw-clad performance.

“I’ve seen this many times! Bless him,” said another.

Needless to say, the tragic pantomime shared support on Facebook.

Needless to say, the tragic pantomime shared support on Facebook.
(Getty Images by Delil Sullivan / AFP)

However, others felt that Jones was improperly humanizing a pet that was clearly injured.

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“[You] Your vet should change! Said a suspect of Bill’s manipulation. “Obviously something is wrong.”

Rosie Bascobi, who has a cynical animal behavior, supported his sentiment.

“I would have advised the owner to get a second opinion from another veterinarian,” she told the Daily Mail, “and there are a lot of things that won’t show up on X-rays, which can be as small as a thorn in the foot.”

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So, don’t make lumps in dogs shaving children’s heads to support a cancerous friend yet. This is not the first time that the trend for ersong has been shown in canines. Coyotes have been known to injure offenders in the matter of feeding tourists, while in a more hilarious event, a dog “forces-crawls” Stumpy Corgi Paul behind him behind the ground. Some, however, suspect that he may have been rubbing his private parts on the mud.

The story was originally published by the New York Post.