In pictures: how the coronavirus spread throughout Brazil

Aerial image showing a burial in the Amazon in BrazilImage copyright
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The coronavirus outbreak in Brazil has been one of the most serious in the world, with more than 2 million cases registered since March.

The official total reached 2,012,151 on Thursday, according to figures from the Ministry of Health.

In fact, it is the second most affected country behind the United States. More than 74,000 people have died from the virus there, and due to lack of evidence, the actual numbers are believed to be even higher.

Here, we illustrate how the pandemic has developed in the South American country.

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The outbreak took a while to reach Brazil and it was the Amazon region that was severely affected by the first wave of cases.

In the state capital Manaus, a man can be seen arranging coffins at a funeral home.

An employee of the Viana funeral services organizes coffins during the coronavirus pandemic in ManausImage copyright
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Authorities warned that the stock of coffins in the region would likely be depleted. They were forced to dig large cemeteries as deaths increased, and poverty and malnutrition made tackling the virus in the heart of the Amazon jungle a major challenge.

Indigenous communities have been among those most affected by the virus, and Manaus is home to a large proportion of them.

Many of their houses are located far from health facilities. On the outskirts of the city, nurse Vanderlecia Ortega dos Santos responded to the crisis by volunteering to care for her indigenous community of 700 families.

Vanderlecia puts on personal protective equipmentImage copyright

And here, people can be seen moving a coffin in a rural community in the northern state of Pará. Later he was buried in a cemetery at the mouth of the Amazon River.

Gravediggers in protective clothing carry the coffin of a victim of the coronavirusImage copyright
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But it wasn’t long before the virus spread to major cities like Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. Cases began to rise sharply.

In May, the São Paulo mayor warned that his underfunded health system was on the verge of collapse, as it became a new access point for Covid-19. He said the demand for hospital beds had skyrocketed.

This hospital, built inside a sports gym in the city, is one of the many makeshift facilities that were opened.

Covid-19 patients are treated within the Pedro Dell'Antonia Campaign Hospital in Sao PauloImage copyright
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But despite the increase in cases, there was still no national closure. States and cities adopted their own measures, but these met with protests, and the data showed that compliance decreased over time.

The orders to stay home and other restrictions were criticized by far-right President Jair Bolsonaro, who denounced them as “dictatorial”. She even joined the protests against the blockade in the capital, Brasilia.

This image shows supporters of the president at a separate demonstration in Rio de Janeiro.

Supporters of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro throw water balloons during a protest against the blockade measuresImage copyright
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Bolsonaro has repeatedly downplayed the risks of what he calls “little flu” and his response to the pandemic has been widely criticized.

He argued that regional blockades are having a more damaging effect than the virus itself, and accused the media of spreading panic and paranoia.

The president has also been seen meeting with supporters without wearing a mask, as here in Brasilia.

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro meets with supporters during a pro-government and anti-blockade protestImage copyright
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And while many people share their concerns about the economic impact of the blockades, health officials disagree with their approach. In fact, two doctors have left their posts as health minister since the pandemic began, one was fired and the other resigned.

Bolsonaro also said he would not be seriously affected by the virus. “A little flu won’t break me down,” he said in March. That was tested, as she tested positive for Covid-19 earlier this month.

This image shows the President meeting with US Ambassador Todd Chapman the day before saying he started feeling symptoms. The couple were seen shaking hands, and Chapman then went into quarantine.

President Jair Bolsonaro (left) and the United States Ambassador to Brazil, Todd ChapmanImage copyright

On June 20, Brazil became the second country to pass a million cases, and that number has steadily increased. Experts say it is likely to be much higher due to a lack of evidence.

But the blocks were lifted even when cases arose. In Rio and São Paulo, restaurants and bars were reopened despite the continuous increase in broadcasts.

Customers enjoy a bar in the Tijuca neighborhood on the second day after the opening of bars and restaurants.Image copyright
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The increase in cases and the relaxation of the blocking measures left some Brazilians feeling that they should take matters into their own hands.

And a couple took extreme measures to stay safe.

Chronic lung disease means that accountant Tercio Galdino, 66, is at high risk for Covid-19. He and his wife wear special suits when they are away from home in Rio de Janeiro. And as an added bonus, the outfit lets you celebrate your love of space.

Tercio Galdino, 66, wears his protector Image copyright

However, there are some hopes, two main vaccine tests, in association with the pharmaceutical companies AstraZeneca and Sinovac, will begin the final phase tests soon on thousands of Brazilian volunteers.

The hope is that a breakthrough on this front could help Brazil reverse its worrying increase in cases and deaths. This striking image shows a cemetery in Manaus where new graves were excavated during the pandemic.

Aerial view showing graves at Nossa Senhora Aparecida Cemetery in Manaus, BrazilImage copyright
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