In-Game ‘Fortnite’ Season 4 Comic Is No Live, Predicting The Invasion Of Galactus

Well, this strip has been it datamined a while ago, at least a page, and it was indeed looking forward to an upcoming Marvel-themed Fortnite season. And today, the comic is live in-game (go to the battle pass page and look at the bottom right of the screen), allowing us to see how that can actually be when it strikes.

There are currently two pages of the comic book live (page 3 is glitched, and it will not take you back to old pages if you go after it), a short story that Thor has united with Galactus about a galaxy thriller quest to save worlds, but then Galactus arrives on a rift (yes, that kind of rift) in space, and goes to it to feed on what’s out there, despite Thor trying to stop him.

This rift will lead to the island of Fortnite, and no doubt the events that launch season 4.. With 10 total pages and two pages a day published, it seems, we’ll get the full story by the time the season launches five days from now.

This is also played in-game. The rift that Galactus sees? We can now see a rift opening on the map above the island.

We haven’t seen any “scripts” in Chapter 2 yet, but this seems to be how Marvel’s world will merge with Fortnite’s world for what the “story” is in season 5. Donald Mustard of Epic has been promised big things for this season .

I think a Thor skin is almost guaranteed for this coming season, possibly this ultra-long comic version, which would be different from what we’ve seen in the MCU, than in the upcoming Avengers game, that ‘ t this event does not appear to be bound, despite an earlier crossover. Galactus seems to have a skin too big, but I think they could care less for tier 100.

One thing we do not know is if there will be some sort of big “Galactus Invasion” event to start the season. Fortnite usually tells us ahead of time when there is something we specifically need to attend as a one-time event, but that has not happened yet. If something happens, it may just be when the season changes. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a large Galactus somehow stumble across the map.

While a full Marvel season may seem a bit … businesslike, the excitement of seeing all these heroes make their way to Fortnite kind of overwhelms that (that’s the point, I think), so I really want to see how this out playing. It also made me wonder about the future, and saw how many DC skins are also in the game, whether Fortnite could combine both worlds in a way we never see on screen as in other games. The true birth of the Metaverse. Read the comic strip here as at these links here:

Page one.

Page two.

Wild times in Fortnite, as always.

Follow me on Twitter, YouTube en Instagram. Picking up my sci-fi novels Herokiller en Herokiller 2, and read my first series, The Earthborn Trilogy, which is also on audiobook.